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This is the kind of vibrator that we imagine a princess would use. The Little Platinum Entity is an eco friendly (it can be purchased with a rechargeable battery), sleek and simple vibrator with multiple stimulation capabilities. But it also encircled with 28 round cut VS1 diamonds for princess style pleasure. In fact, one has to imagine that if a few of our fearless leaders were content to vibrators curl up on the couch in front of the tube dildos (preferably a nice handmade double blown color changing glass tube!), there might be a lot less trouble in this world. So when we need help facilitating that peaceful, easy feeling, we turn to the small and friendly Peace Pipe, where you'll get a free lighter, screens, or pack of papers with your purchase. To its credit, the Pipe isn't clogged with non necessities that have nothing whatsoever to do with dope smoking: Colorized dancing bears, crystal unicorns, and their useless ilk are kept to a bare minimum. I never climaxed. O